
  Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that involves burning moxa, a dried and processed form of the herb Artemisia vulgaris, near or on specific acupuncture points on the body to stimulate healing and alleviate pain. It can be used as a complementary therapy for shoulder pain, but it’s […]

How to treat shoulder pain by moxibustion?

你是否也在年复一年的经受过敏鼻炎,慢性鼻炎,鼻窦炎之苦? 喷嚏连连、鼻涕滂沱,甚至鼻子都用纸擦红,社交恐惧症都发了。 鼻子不透气, 呼吸困难,严重影响睡觉,早上头沉闷, 无法正常工作,学习,及其他日常活动。 头痛,头蒙,注意力不集中。 鼻子痒,眼睛痒,干,或眼泪汪汪。 甚至嗅觉减退,食欲下降。 年复一年,年年复发。或终日缠绵不断。 鼻腔黏膜炎症的积累及刺激,会增加产生鼻窦炎及鼻息肉的机会,甚至会进一步增加哮喘发病的机会。要知道40%的过敏性鼻炎患者可合并哮喘 高达85%的季节性过敏性鼻炎患者中合并过敏性结膜炎 慢性鼻窦炎、分泌性中耳炎以及睡觉打鼾也是非常常见的并发症。 甚至有时说不上来, 就是难受。人生的美好那只是过去的传说… 看家庭医生,只能开过敏含有皮质类固醇激素的鼻炎喷剂或口服(如氯雷他定、西替利嗪、依巴斯汀、盐酸非索非那定等过敏药物。 先不说这些激素类药物对身体的无形的伤害(谁又知道以后出现的身体问题跟这些药无关呢),关键是这些西药都是不除根的。 鼻炎能否除根? 多少人希望能完全治愈, 不再有打喷嚏, 不再有流鼻水, 不再有鼻子堵塞, 不再有头痛,头昏。 多么渴望晚上呼吸通畅,美美地深睡眠, 早上精力充沛地去上学, 上班, 或活动。  不再担心旁边人异样或恐惧的眼光, 不用担心鼻水不断的尴尬。 跟别人一样享受美好的生活。 这一切都必须从根源上彻底解决。 欢迎参加秀中医鼻炎,过敏鼻炎,鼻窦炎,3个月的一对一辅导。 授人以鱼, 不如授人以渔。 从根源上解释鼻炎, 过敏鼻炎, 鼻窦炎等发病机理, 采用纯绿色自然与整体疗法, 提供综合调理方案,并且每周辅导。只有明白了根本原因, 才能让你真正安全有效地彻底根除。 秀中医简介: 多伦多秀中医艾灸馆创始人,空间医学小方调理茶包第三代嫡传弟子。获奖专业书籍作者,自然与整体健康疗法导师。 专题健康讲师。 多年艾灸临床经验- 曾师从艾灸明师。 将传统中医辨证及空间医学理论融入到艾灸及茶包调养体系。 多伦多首批空间医学小方专家, 多年的小方调理茶包研究和临床。 不一样的专业指导, 绝对值得参加。 100%辅导满意承诺。 […]


Recent news on Bruce Willis have drawn attention to the lack of treatments for his condition.   Many have turned their attention to frontotemporal dementia (FTD) as the family of famed action star Bruce Willis announced his diagnosis last week. While there is no cure to this neurodegenerative condition, academics […]

Frontotemporal dementia: the state of treatment development

Reactions after Moxibustion There are also some common reactions that you should be aware of. Just like any herbal treatments, your body will react to the treatment. When your body has enough vital qi or energy, it will try to restore itself and push the bad things out of your […]

Reactions After Moxibustion

Most health issues don’t come in one day. And they will not go away just after one day of moxibustion. For some issues, such as diarrhea and coldness and some pains, it will show very quick results, even after just one moxibustion treatment. For most issues, you will notice the […]

Time Commitment

After moxibustion, the hair pores will open. So, it’s required that you not have a shower until 2–3 hours later, to prevent cold or moisture going into your body. And because of that, some people find it inconvenient to go outside. Well, although it’s a bit challenging, I am sure […]

Requirement After Moxibustion

It’s better to drink a bit of warm water before moxibustion. During moxibustion, you need to make sure you are not exposed to any cold weather, rain or strong wind.       This article is from the book called “MIRACLES OF MOXIBUSTION” by award winning author Ruth Liu.  Copyright protected. […]

Requirement During Moxibustion

DEALING WITH MOXIBUSTION CHALLENGES Ventilation for Smoke and Smell Moxibustion is a very superior treatment method, either in clinic or at home. The biggest challenges are the smoke and the smell. That’s why 95% of the clinics are not performing moxibustion. Even with some of the clinics that claim that […]

Ventilation for Smoke and Smell