
There are so many people who suffer from shoulder pain.  First, I have to admit, in most cases, it’s not just a local meridian issue. It might be related to an issue within your body. If just the local area has cold and dampness, it will be very easy to […]

Moxibustion For Shoulder Pain or Frozen Shoulder

Heel pain is also very common, especially in elderly people. Like knee pain, most heel pain is either due to water retention or inflammation, or ligament malnourishment.  In 2019, I had a client who was referred to me by a massage therapist, for the moxibustion. When I checked him, he […]

Moxibustion For Heel or Foot Pain

Swelling ankle is also very commonly seen. It could be due to injury, or due to a systematic problem like a kidney deficiency or spleen issue. If it’s just a local injury, it would belong in the category of a sports injury. You can refer to the sports injury section. […]

Moxibustion For Swelling Ankle

Moxibustion is one of the most effective treatment methods for most pain and sports injuries. It will help post-surgery recovery as well. Knee Pain We have a Chinese saying: When a person is getting old, it will firstly show in their leg. By that, it really means the qi and […]

Moxibustion For Knee Pain

Moxibustion can quickly relieve pain and itchiness from insect bites. This is just a local issue and simple treatment. You can just use a moxa stick/roll and do moxibustion around the bite area, going back and forth. One of my clients from my WeChat group once mentioned that moxibustion really […]

Moxibustion For Insect Bites

A lot of parents are stressed when their kids still have to wear diapers during nighttime after 5 years old. There are several reasons for night urine. Occasionally, this is due to stomach issues, but it is rare. Some are more psychological issues. But it is mostly due to coldness […]

Moxibustion For Night Urine

Nowadays, kids are so obsessed with electronic devices. They tend to easily have eye issues.  The most commonly seen eye problem is nearsightedness. Nearsightedness is not hard to treat. The issue is the habit change. I normally advise the parents to do a gentle eye massage exercise, which you can […]

Moxibustion For Nearsightedness

Clinically, I also met parents who wanted their kids to grow tall. There are two points you can use: (GV14) Da Zhui and (GV12) Shen Zhu. It’s best to do moxibustion in the springtime and in the morning. The result for some kids is not immediate in the first year, […]

Moxibustion For Grow Tall

So many people complain that they suffer from allergic rhinitis. I once organized a Chinese seminar to teach them the real reason for allergic rhinitis, and the proper treatment. Your doctor might tell you that you are allegic to pollen or dust; that’s why it’s called allergic rhinitis. But I […]

Moxibustion For Allergic Rhinitis

This is not only commonly seen in young kids but also in adults. Whether it is rhinitis or sinusitis, the treatment is the same from a Chinese medicinal point of view. It just means that the position of blockage is different. Moxibustion is very good. Clinically, I also use herbal […]

Moxibustion For Rhinitis and Sinusitis