Moxibustion For Stomachache

As indicated in my book title, moxibustion is good for 90% of health issues. Whether local or systematic, digestive or urinary, respiratory or cardio, neural or lymphatic, a simple issue such as cold, or a complicated issue such as diabetes or cancer, moxibustion will for sure be beneficial.  In my experience, combining it with herbal tea will make it work faster.  


When some people talk about stomach pain, they are really referring to the area where the stomach is physically located. Other people are really talking about the lower area, which is near the belly button. But regardless of which type, moxibustion is very helpful.

If the pain is in the physical location of the stomach, there are several reasons. One of the commonly seen reasons is stomach coldness. When you eat a bit of cold stuff, or overeat, you feel this area as being painful. You can do moxibustion on Zhongwan (CV12), and four points around CV12, 1 inch from the top, bottom, left and right. You should also do moxibustion at Zusanli (ST36).

If the pain is more near the belly button, you can just do the moxibustion at (CV8) Shen Que and Guanyuan (CV3).

A real story shared from the Chinese moxibustion network:

“I have a twin sister. Both of us have poor digestive systems. After she got married and gave birth to her child, she suffered from various diseases and kept running to the hospital. Later, she found blogs about moxibustion. Out of desperation, she tried moxibustion. Her body was obviously better, and she gained ten pounds. Originally, she was very skinny. It was also through her encouragement that I started moxibustion. After four months of moxibustion, the menstrual pain disappeared, and the chronic gastritis also disappeared. I used to have a yellow face, which has now turned to a normal pinkish color.

My daughter is two years old, and her stomach has always been poor. She has a bowel movement three or four times a day, and it is not formed. I always run to the hospital and don’t know what to do. I helped her with moxibustion a month ago, and the changes were obvious. Now her poo is almost normal.  Her appetite is very good, and she has gained weight. I hope that more people try moxibustion; everyone’s health would be better.”



This article is from the book called “MIRACLES OF MOXIBUSTION” by award winning author Ruth Liu.  Copyright protected. To use this article, you have to add the reference link to this website ( 
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