Daily Archives: January 13, 2023

Maybe this is not a commonly seen problem. But I want to list it to tell you that you should never be scared by any scary and fancy diagnosis. This is the real case I experienced. I once rented a house, partially for my moxibustion practice as it’s hard to […]

Moxibustion For Multi-Scoliosis

Such problems can happen to people of any age, even young children. But it mostly happens to elderly or aging people. In Chinese medicine theory, the kidney, especially kidney yang qi, governs urine and bowel movement. When people have urinary issues, in most cases, it indicates that kidney yang qi […]

Moxibustion For Urinary (Incontinence, Frequent or Night Urine)

First, we have to understand what constipation is: It is when the stool is dry and hard to move out, and you are only pooing once every several days. But clinically, I found it should be called “bowel movement difficulty” instead of constipation, as a lot of clients have told […]

Moxibustion For Constipation or Bowel Movement Difficulty

Moxibustion is very effective to treat diarrhea. When a person has diarrhea, we say the clear chi of the spleen is not ascending. The reason is either due to coldness or too much dampness accumulating around the lower part of the body. You can simply do moxibustion around the belly […]

Moxibustion For Diarrhea

As indicated in my book title, moxibustion is good for 90% of health issues. Whether local or systematic, digestive or urinary, respiratory or cardio, neural or lymphatic, a simple issue such as cold, or a complicated issue such as diabetes or cancer, moxibustion will for sure be beneficial.  In my […]

Moxibustion For Stomachache

My friend once joked: A woman can tolerate the pain from periods but cannot tolerate a dot on her face. It’s very natural that women care more about their face than men. This is a big topic.  Here I will just mention a bit about drooping skin. The theory for […]

Moxibustion For Beauty Boost

It’s very common that a lot of new moms lack breast milk after childbirth. There are three points where you can do moxibustion. The first one is called Danzhong (CV17) acupuncture point. The second one is Shaozhe acupuncture point, or SI 1. You can also do moxibustion on Zusanli (ST36) […]

Moxibustion For Lacking Breast Milk After childbirth

Most women will have qi stagnation, which in a way is reflected in breast issues or womb issues. Women tend to be more emotional and easily get stressed. This will block the normal chi flow. Liver qi, in normal conditions, is gentle and is released constantly to nourish the heart. […]

Moxibustion For Breast Issues

  Vaginal itching is normally caused by two issues: One is due to moisture and heat environment, which is often related to leukorrhea; the other is due to vaginal dryness, which normally happens to elderly women. Let’s just focus on the most commonly seen type: damp heat. First, you have […]

Moxibustion For Vaginal Itchiness