Moxibustion For Lacking Breast Milk After childbirth

It’s very common that a lot of new moms lack breast milk after childbirth. There are three points where you can do moxibustion. The first one is called Danzhong (CV17) acupuncture point. The second one is Shaozhe acupuncture point, or SI 1. You can also do moxibustion on Zusanli (ST36) and San Yin Jiao (SP6). These points can help promote the qi flow and the digestive system so that your body gets more nutrition. You can either use a long moxa stick or roll, or moxa sticker, whichever way is convenient for you.



This article is from the book called “MIRACLES OF MOXIBUSTION” by award winning author Ruth Liu.  Copyright protected. To use this article, you have to add the reference link to this website ( 
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To book acupuncture or moxibustion treatment, pls. call 416-800-7417