Moxibustion For Vaginal Itchiness


Vaginal itching is normally caused by two issues: One is due to moisture and heat environment, which is often related to leukorrhea; the other is due to vaginal dryness, which normally happens to elderly women.

Let’s just focus on the most commonly seen type: damp heat. First, you have to understand why there is heat and dampness together. To put it in a simpler way, liver qi is supposed to circulate, and especially go up. But if it is trapped by too much moisture due to spleen deficiency, the trapped qi is turned into heat. Just imagine that you put some hay under moisture. Heat will generate after a while. It’s a similar theory. Once we get rid of the moisture, stagnated heat will circulate by itself.

This is not hard to treat. You can just do moxibustion on the acupuncture points of CV8 and CV9, and SP6, SP8, SP9 and LV5. Here I want to emphasize LV5 (Li Gou point). You have to include this point. 

Or you can simply put a moxibustion box on your lower abdomen, and then put some moxa stickers on the other acupuncture points on the legs. Or you can do acupressure on the leg points instead of moxa stickers.

After just 3–4 times, you should feel the difference. Normally, the leukorrhea issue will be gone, together with the vaginal itchiness. You can refer to the case sharing about leukorrhea.




This article is from the book called “MIRACLES OF MOXIBUSTION” by award winning author Ruth Liu.  Copyright protected. To use this article, you have to add the reference link to this website ( 
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