Moxibustion For Painful Periods/Dysmenorrhea

A lot of women suffer from this problem. Nowadays, more than 70% of young girls have painful periods.

It is again mainly due to coldness. In some cases, it’s coupled with liver qi stagnation as well.  As mentioned before, to have ultimate health, you have to change those bad habits, such as exposing the belly button, eating too much cold stuff, not keeping the feet warm, etc. 

At the beginning, it might be due to coldness. But after a while, it will cause blood stasis. Every time when your period comes, your body is trying to push the coldness and stagnated blood out, and that’s why you feel the pain.

You can do moxibustion on Ba Liao points (8 points), Shen Que (CV8), Guanyuan (CV3) and San Yin Jiao (SP6). Clinically, I also gave customized herbal tea.

In China, some hospitals will have moxibustion service, and some doctors will do moxibustion. But in North America, due to its smell and ventilation and safety requirements, not many practitioners use moxibustion. So, I strongly encourage you to learn by yourself.

Here is a story to share.

Sun is an unmarried 17-year-old, who suffered from severely painful periods.

Two months ago, she was out in the rain during her menstrual period, and she also ate too much fruit during the two following days. Later, her lower abdomen was cold and painful. It was slightly relieved after using a hot compress. The pain was so severe that it seriously affected her normal life. The patient had menstrual cramps for 3 days at the time of treatment, with moderate menstrual flow that was dark in color, blood clots, unbearable abdominal pain, pale complexion, hypothermia of the hands and feet, cold sweats and loss of appetite. She was taking pain medicine but did not get any relief. Her tongue was dark purple with a thick white coating, and her pulse was deep and tight.


Pathogenesis: stagnation of cold and dampness, yang deficiency and internal cold. Syndrome: dysmenorrhea of ​​cold-damp stagnation. Treatment: Used 3-hole moxa box and did moxibustion from the Yao Yang Guan point to Ba Liao point area for 40 minutes. She immediately felt better. Then I used a needle on Zhongwan (CV12) and Tian Shu (ST25), and put a moxibustion box on the lower belly, from CV8 to CV3.  Then I used a needle on Xue Hai and San Yin Jiao. She felt much better right after that.


Next time, when you suffer from a painful period, you can try moxibustion. If you cannot do moxibustion, just using a heat pad will also help.




This article is from the book called “MIRACLES OF MOXIBUSTION” by award winning author Ruth Liu.  Copyright protected. To use this article, you have to add the reference link to this website ( 
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